Jaelan Mincey

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The Crib | Building Our Baby's Crib

Shortly after we found out that I was pregnant, my husband turns to me one evening and says, "I think I want to try to make the crib." I agreed, but gave him an easy out. I had faith that he could build it, but I was nervous that it might cause him too much stress - you know, because a crib is a really important piece of furniture to get right for safety. 

Building the Crib

He started on the crib right away and the more I thought about it, the more my heart grew to the idea. My husband was literally building the crib from scratch with his own two hands; it was a labor of love.Cute guy using power toolsDuring the building process, every time I started to think about the crib, my heart would swell and I was reminded that my husband loves us (that still sounds so crazy to me - us!) so much. Watching him take extra care of details, aesthetics, and overall functionality of the design made that love even more apparent. As funny as this may sound, I frequently equated the crib building to his "pregnancy" journey. I was building the baby, and he was building a safe place for the baby simultaneously. We loosely used plans from this blog for the crib. The dimensions  were changed to fit our crib mattress snugly because I was nervous with the amount of space leftover in the original design. We also changed up the design on the ends because we wanted a unique twist. man in his garage workshopIt took several months to build it, but in April, it was finished. My mother-in-law came to help us paint it and move it into its permanent place in the nursery. She and my father-in-law also brought with them furniture from my FIL's childhood bedroom. This furniture was also the furniture in my husband's childhood bedroom, so S will be the third generation to enjoy it. It was in need of some upkeep, so we sanded all three pieces down to the natural wood (not an easy feat), stained it, sealed it, and put on new hardware. More about this furniture in our nursery reveal - coming soon! man and woman working on woodworking project

Our Beautiful Green Crib

And here it is, in all its glory! I love everything about it: the design, the paint color, the sturdiness. I'm even more thrilled that our baby boy gets THE very best dad on the planet... I sure know how to pick 'em. Paint color is Valspar Canadian Fir (5004-4C), if you're wondering. Beautiful green crib in nurseryBeautiful green crib in nurseryCan you relate? Did you add sentimental pieces (homemade or otherwise) to your nursery space?