Jaelan Mincey

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DIY Storable Pancake Mix | Pancakes from Scratch

Fairly often, my husband and I have "breakfast for dinner". That can mean several things, but many times it means pancakes or waffles. Much like cornbread, I think the best pancakes are made from scratch. There's just not a boxed mix out there that really does pancakes right, in my opinion. And this DIY pancake mix is SO EASY to make at home! I honestly don't know why anyone would choose not to. This homemade pancake mix is fantastic. No need for boxed pancake mix when you have storable pancake mix!The best part about this recipe is that it's just as convenient as boxed pancake mix, without actually coming from a box. I mix all the dry ingredients and I store them in a container. When I make pancakes, I scoop out just enough for the two of us and add the necessary wet ingredients. I love being able to store the mix for long periods of time. So stinking easy. Plus, I know exactly what's in the mix and that always makes me feel better. 

DIY Storable Pancake Mix

[yumprint-recipe id='18']I make a batch of this ready made pancake mix and it lasts us quite a while. We always have the wet ingredients in our fridge because they're staples, so this pancake mix is just as convenient as store bought... and it's better.Whoa. This homemade pancake mix is CRAZY simple. I'm making homemade pancakes next time for an easy breakfast. This DIY pancake mix also works just as well with waffles. In fact, that's how we use it mostly, so don't be afraid of that. I know some people have different preferences as far as consistency of the batter goes, so feel free to add more or less milk when you're making the batter so that it meets your standards. ;)I love making my own pancake mix for storage. Just add egg, milk, and vanilla to this pancake mix for the perfect pancakes or waffles. Yum! I'm making this easy breakfast tomorrow.Does anyone dislike pancakes or waffles? I mean, really... they are breakfast staples. Now that I've made my own pancake mix I will never go back to store-bought pancake mix. This DIY storable pancake mix changed my breakfast-loving heart forever.


A storable make your own pancake mix!! Finally. I hate buying pancake mix at the store... plus, this looks WAY too good. Pancakes for breakfast are always a hit. And it will make waffles, too!