Jaelan Mincey

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The Sewing Essentials You Cannot Live Without

By now, we've established that I'm pretty fond of my new sewing habit. Right? I hope so.I was pretty apprehensive when I started. I wasn't sure I could do it, and I was nervous it would be a disaster. Luckily, with a little help from my mom and Googling skillz (yes, with a z), that doesn't seem to be the case. Sewing is not that hard. You just have to work at it a little bit, as with any hobby.And like any hobby, there are a few essentials that you must have.sewing tools

What Do I Need to Start Sewing?

A Sewing Machine - I really hope this one is obvious. To sew on a sewing machine, you must have access to a machine... and thread... and fabric. I just thought those were all kind of obvious.Good FABRIC Scissors - You may be wondering why "fabric" is in all caps... I'll explain. There are specific scissors designed for fabric, and if my husband someone uses said scissors to cut ANYTHING but fabric, he/she will be exiled sufficiently scolded. Fabric scissors make cutting fabric a breeze. It's like cutting butter. If they're dulled (by using the scissors to cut paper, for example) they loose their charm and won't be able to cut even the thinnest fabric.I'd like to add that fabric scissors are not cheap. Bite the bullet and invest in a good pair. They will last and last. You can get them sharpened, and you'll become quite attached to them. I bought a pair of Gingher 8" Dressing Shears, and I absolutely ADORE them.A Seam Ripper - I hope you got that from my How I Learned to Sew post. This is a must have. It doesn't have to be fancy, but get one. You'll make mistakes. Everyone does.Good Straight Pins & A Pin Cushion - As with the fabric scissors, get the slightly more expensive pins. They won't bend on you (the worst!) and they'll last. You'll also need a pin cushion. I have this handy-dandy magnetic one that I love... but for memories sake, I had to pick up the classic tomato & strawberry pin cushion, too. My mom has had one my entire life.A Clear Ruler - This one I didn't quite understand at first. When the sweet lady at the sewing store told me I'd need one, I kind of brushed her off and didn't head her words. Later, though, I picked one up and it has made a big difference. It really helps you double check your measurements. ALWAYS MEASURE TWICE, CUT ONCE.[Tweet "Always measure twice, cut once! #sewingrules"]Fabric Pen/Pencil - This will help you mark your lines for cutting. Most fabric pens and pencils are water soluble. Some pens are even air soluble and will disappear after 24 hours. How cool is that?Tape Measure -  Preferably a retractable one, because you're going to be using it a lot.With these essential sewing items, you can probably sew just about anything you'd like to. If you invest in quality items up front, you won't have to worry about replacing them once you start.What hobby are you interested in learning? Have you ever tried to sew? Would you be interested in learning?