Jaelan Mincey

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Texas to New Mexico, Making Friends, and a New Winter Coat

I never knew sleeping in and sitting around all day would feel so exhausting. Before you virtually slap me, I promise my time is coming - and soon! We didn't do much this week, but a little packing, and an evening road trip rounded out our last days in Texas. I'm feeling rather chatty and like I need to unload, so enjoy. 

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Texas to New Mexico

My husband starts his job next week! Today we're all packed up and headed to our new home state. I'll stay for a few days, but then I'll head back to Texas until we close on our house. To answer your question: yes, this makes me nervous. And yes, I'm going to miss him a lot.We're not set to close for another month. Send chocolate and wine. I'm going to need it. 

I am Horrible with Directions

Not all who wander are lost... but I probably am. Listen, I know I'm not great at directions and I've owned it. It takes me years to learn where things are in town. When we moved from BCS I had just figured out where everything was. I guess it will only take 7 years for me to figure out ABQ - no big deal.Speaking of directions... I'll be getting lost all over Texas roads starting next week until closing time. Luckily I have a lot of sisters and a friend or two who are over the moon about this weird gypsy time in my life so I'm going to crash with each of them, one by one. 

Still Looking for a Halloween Costume? 

Let me re-introduce you to this weird face:  


Today on #themakeupmixup, things are getting scary... or at least scarecrow-y. ? Need a super quick and easy #halloween costume? #texasdarling

A photo posted by Beauty Blogger ? Jaelan (@makingmrsm) on

This took me like 2 minutes and you can do it with makeup you already have. Here's the scarecrow Halloween tutorial.

How to Make New Friends as an Adult

Here's another thing to ponder: how do you make new friends in a brand new city state? This is terrifying. We've left our cozy, established friendships in Texas to start by ourselves in New Mexico. I know people do this all the time, right? But how? We love our friends in Texas and we hope to stay in touch with them, but let's be honest, moving changes things. It just does. As much as we hope it won't, it does. So, I'm calling on all of you to help me figure out how to make new friends. Send me your tips. 

A New Winter Coat

Yep. I need one. Spoiler alert - I didn't get one in my recent trunk club. Well, not one like I asked for. Stay tuned for an in depth review of that trunk next week. (I've already written it. I just like to taunt you.) But back on track - I need a new coat and I need some help. Here's what I'm thinking: [show_shopthepost_widget id="2017388"]Tweet me any recommendations you have - @MakingMrsM. I'd love to see them. That's enough rambling for one day... Can you tell there's a lot on my mind? Happy Friday!