
I’m Jaelan,

a birth doula in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I work exclusively with the New Life Birth Services doula collective as a birth doula and childbirth educator.

Movement in Labor

One of my favorite ways to support families is by offering suggestions for movement during labor. The pelvis is mobile and knowing how to tap into different movements at different stages in labor can be a game changer for many!


What a Doula Does

Doulas are as varied as people, but as your doula, you can expect I’ll provide the following:

  • Education - both prenatally and during birth in order to help you talk through options as they arise.

  • Physical Comfort - hip squeezes, “booty jiggles”, and counter pressures galore!

  • Emotional Support - I’m there to create a space for you to express whatever emotions come up. I’m your “emotional sponge”!

  • Advocacy - when the going gets tough, you can count on me to help you feel seen and heard.

“It takes a village to raise a mother.”


In 2024, I am on maternity leave for birth doula work. I do know some spectacular Albuquerque doulas, so don’t hesitate to reach out for recommendations.

Previous Client?

**If you are a previous birth doula client of mine please reach out regardless of my listed availability.**