DIY Anti-Aging Cucumber Mask

When I made it a goal to go an entire year without a makeup purchase, I decided to really focus on skincare. Great makeup starts with great skin. For years I have struggled with my skin and I really wanted to find something that worked. I've tried serums and gentle washes and toners... but out of all the skincare potions, I think face masks are my favorite. Recently, I set out to combine 2 of my favorite things: cucumbers and face masks. The result? A seriously impressive anti-aging cucumber mask! I love how 20-30 minutes in a face mask can totally change the status of my skin. I've learned that with consistent use of face masks, my skin is happier and healthier than ever. I also love the versatility of face masks. There are literally face masks for every skin problem imaginable. On days that my skin feels extra dry, I go for a moisturizing mask. When I'm having a breakout, I choose a clarifying mask. When those breakouts are over, I pamper my skin with a soothing mask. The lists go on! Related: The Best Cheap Face MasksWhen I was visiting my parents a few weekends ago, my dad hooked me up with a ton of cucumbers from his garden. I love to eat fresh cucumbers. They're great in salads, on their own, or throw into cold water, but I wanted to try something a little different with them.Insane! Did you know that cucumber can do all of this for your skin? Cucumber is not only a super food for your insides, but it's great for your skin too. I'm going to try this DIY cucumber mask soon! I love DIY face masks.

Benefits of Cucumber in Skincare


  • help fade dark spots!
  • are packed with antioxidants!
  • reduce puffiness! 
  • help repair scarring! 
  • soothe sunburns!
  • tighten pores! 
  • soften skin!

Clearly cucumbers are valuable ingredients to any skincare routine. Since I had such nice cucumbers fresh from the garden, I was excited to put those benefits to the test by making my own DIY Cucumber Face Mask! 

DIY Anti-Aging Cucumber Face Mask

3 inch section of a medium to large cucumber1 tablespoon greek yogurt1 tablespoon aloe2 tablespoons oatsPulse all ingredients (except the oats) in a food processor until the desired consistency is reached. Then add the oats and gave a quick stir. Apply to a clean face and let sit for 20-30 minutes. You can really pile this stuff on more than I did, but I needed to be vertical for the sake of photos (ha!) so I couldn't add more without it falling off. This definitely is a messy mask, so do it with a towel handy. After I washed it off my skin looked more even and brighter, but what I noticed most was the overwhelming softness! My skin felt SO soft. The cucumber definitely does amazing things for skin, but the other ingredients in the mask were put there for specific skin nourishing reasons, too.Oats...

  • soften skin!
  • has anti-inflammatory properties! 
  • heals and soothes acne and acne scarring!
  • brightens complexion by gently exfoliating! 


  • moisturizes! 
  • reduces inflammation! 
  • promotes quick healing! 
  • fights aging! 


  • contains alpha hydroxy acid which dissolves dead skin cells! 
  • reduces discoloration! 
  • fights aging! 
  • combats acne! 
  • moisturizes! 

Insane! Did you know that cucumber can do all of this for your skin? Cucumber is not only a super food for your insides, but it's great for your skin too. I'm going to try this DIY cucumber mask soon! I love DIY face masks. So basically, this mask is chop-full of anti-aging, moisturizing goodies! Be sure to take the mask down your neck, too. You should care for your neck exactly as you care for your face because it's an extension of the sensitive skin there. If you want more of a brightening effect from this face mask, add a little bit of lemon juice to the concoction! HOWEVER, stay out of the sun because citrus juice + skin + sun = nasty burns. Try this DIY anti-aging cucumber mask yourself and let me know how you like it! 

Pin it for later! 

Insane! Did you know that cucumber can do all of this for your skin? Cucumber is not only a super food for your insides, but it's great for your skin too. I'm going to try this DIY cucumber mask soon! I love DIY face masks.


Wardrobe Essentials: Learning How To Dress Vol. 1


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