DIY Heat Pack | A Lady Survival Kit

Here's the thing: when it comes to a lot of things that I put into my body, I don't tend to get my panties in a bunch. I don't go out of my way to eat organic produce, I roll my eyes at things marketed as "gluten free", and I mostly forget to take my multivitamin. I know, some of you are gasping at those sentiments, but there is one area where I am without a doubt picky: feminine care. I'll be blunt - sometimes being a lady really sucks. You know what I'm talking about. At some point in college, I started reading about all the icky stuff that goes along with tampons and pads. I already knew that they didn't work well for me for a number of reasons, but I didn't know what other options I had. Enter: The Diva Cup - a bell-shaped cup suitable for ladies of any age. Check out the user guide for more information before trying the cup and consult with your healthcare provider with any questions. Feel free to reach out to the Consumer Care Team at or 1-866-44-3482. They're happy to guide you through insertion, removal, or answer any other questions you have.Diva Cups are fantastic alternatives to tamponsThe Diva Cup is made with 100% healthcare grade silicone, so it's comfortable and safe, and it comes with a 12 hour leak-free protection. The lifespan also lasts a really long time. The longevity differs from woman to woman, but it's suggested to replace your cup once a year. And don't worry, it's free of chemicals, plastic, BPA, latex and dyes! I made the switch from traditional feminine care products (tampons and pads) during my Sophomore year, and I've never looked back. Here's a couple of reasons why I switched and why I've been a Diva Cup user for almost 8 years: 

It's Cost-Effective

As a poor college kid, my motivation was definitely influenced by price. Sure, $39.99 can seem pricey, but it's not considering the average woman spends $150 or more on feminine care each year! Phew

It's Better for the Environment

I think this is something we're all acutely aware of. Every ounce of trash we produce goes into a landfill somewhere. I'm always looking for small changes I can make in my life to reduce my carbon footprint, and switching from traditional feminine products to a reusable silicone product made a lot of sense to me. 

I Don't Even Realize I'm on My Period

Yep. I'm being 100% honest when I say sometimes I forget about my period altogether. Using The Diva Cup is so simple and because the silicone is comfortable and I can leave it in for up to 12 hours, I frequently forget it should be the worst time of the month. Sometimes, though, those cramps and cravings get the best of me, and that's where my Lady Survival Kit comes into play. 

Lady Survival Kit

It's a simple collection of goods that helps me get through even the toughest of days being a lady. 

The Diva Cup is a better alternative for feminine care

The Diva Cup

It is obviously the most essential portion of my lady survival kit! It can be used during any activity: exercise, watching a movie, or - my favorite - sleep, with serious leak-free protection. I mean it. NO. LEAKS. 


If you're anything like me, there are times when you need chocolate and you need it now! I always keep some emergency chocolate stashed away for JUST this occasion. 

Easy DIY Heat Pack

Heat has been proven to help relieve pain, but those store-bought heat packs can be expensive, not to mention you have to remember to pick them up at the store! My DIY Heat Pack is cheap (under $5) and takes minutes to make.

  1. Pick up a "Fat Quarter" of fabric (or just cut fabric 18" x 24") and fold it in two with right sides together. Sew along the edge, leaving the top open. 
  2. Turn the fabric "right side out" and fold in the opening about an inch. Now is the trickiest part (though not tricky at all)! Find the middle, and sew a line straight up the middle until you reach the un-sewn edge. You should have two equal columns, of sorts. 
  3. Fill both sides with rice about 3/4 of the way up (it should take about 4 pounds of rice). 
  4. Next, fold the top edge over about an inch, and sew the edge closed. Make sure you backstitch to lock it in! 
  5. Now you have a finished heat pack for all of your aches and pains! Just pop it in the microwave for a minute or two and it's ready to use! 

Here's a helpful graphic! Easy DIY heat packI cannot tell you how many times this little "Lady Survival Kit" has saved me. 

Find a retailer near you and #TryTheDivaCup to gain some serious #PeriodConfidence! I got my most recent Diva Cup at Albertson's, which was super convenient because I just picked it up with the groceries, like any other feminine care product. Find The Diva Cup at Albertson'sIn the end, I think it's important to note that as women, we have choices. We have choices in what we eat, in what we do, how we react to situations, and in how we manage feminine care. As a doula, helping women learn that they have choices is a big deal for me. When women know that they have choices, they feel empowered and more confident. I know I do, and I want you to also.  


Fall Trunk Club for Women 2017


What I Packed for Scotland in Fall | How I Packed Everything Into a Carry-On