Before & After: Low Cost Master Bedroom Transformation

When you move into a new house, you want to put your own stamp on it. Some spaces require more work than others to make that happen. In the case of our master bedroom, we made a few minor changes that really overhauled the entire feel of the room. We spent very little money to make it happen, but the impact was huge. 


Master Bedroom Before - Dark and poor choice in paint colors


Master Bedroom Design

Our bedroom was painted three different colors when we moved in. The first step, of course, was to paint and to create a fresh palette that we liked. We opted to paint the entire house one color for several reasons: 1) it was the easiest option and every room needed painting, 2) we liked the cohesive look, 3) it was cheaper to paint the entire house one color because we could buy paint in bulk. Choosing a color wasn't difficult, and we ultimately decided on Valspar Polished Silver. 


Master bedroom nook empty


Approximate cost: $30 

Light & Airy Bedroom Design

By choosing the same paint for the entire house, we were able to keep things consistent, but also add unique flairs to individual rooms. For our bedroom, we knew we wanted to keep things light and airy. There was already a beautiful wooden barn door installed in our bedroom, so we took that as inspiration to add in wooden elements. Luckily, we already had a wooden bedroom set we liked. We replaced the curtains with beautiful white linen to brighten things up. Plants add in that fresh, earthy element that I love. 


After I took most of these photos, we decided to upgrade our bedding for summer. I wanted sheets that held up better in the heat because I was 9 months pregnant and our bedroom is west facing in the desert. Wowza. Even with A/C, it's not enough. We've really enjoyed the bamboo sheets from Aloha Soft! They stay cool and are the softest sheets we've slept on. The wash nicely and the particular blue we chose is perfect for life with a new baby... Haha! 

Thanks to Aloha Soft for sending us these amazing sheets! 

Gorgeous summer inspired beddingApproximate Cost: $250

Use of space

For a while, this corner of our bedroom was my makeup corner. It frequently looked messy and I never liked how hodgepodge it looked compared to the rest of the bedroom. I got rid of probably 50-75% of the makeup I once thought I needed, and stored the rest in the smaller closet in the room. I moved my everyday make essentials to an organizer on our dresser. With a baby coming, I knew I wanted to create a cozy space for middle of the night feedings and snuggles, so we added a comfy glider recliner to the corner and dimmable lamp. We actually kept the shelves that were up when we bought the house. They're neutral and work with the space and you know, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. We have plans to build a console style bookshelf for the wall, but for now, we'll leave it empty. Approximate Cost: $300

Overall, I'm really happy with how our bedroom has turned out. I feel like by making a few, simple changes we really transformed the space into a place where we feel comfortable. We spent less than $600 to make the space something functional and beautiful. I love spending time in our bedroom, and I'm glad we didn't have to spend a boatload to get the perfect space for us.What are your favorite low cost ways to transform a space?


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