Simple Homemade Dinner Rolls


Holy cow, y'all. I'm finally getting around to share this simple homemade dinner roll recipe with you. I kind of thought I had already posted it, but... nope. Photos were done, but the words weren't on the page. Sorry!So, you can say that it has been carb city over here since the first of the year. We've pretty much been living off of waffles, rolls, and tortillas. Now is not the time to lecture me on the food pyramid, ok? The stomach wants what it wants. Trust me, your stomach is going to want these delicious, soft, buttery dinner rolls. These simple buttery dinner rolls are great with pot roast! I had been wanting to try breadmaking for a while, so I decided there was no time like the present. And ohhhhh honey. These rolls. They're almost so good that they hurt. I basically used this recipe to form the bread, but then I added in some of this one too. So it's my own little Frankenstein creation and I'm pretty tickled with how it all turned out. These rolls are the perfect density. They keep their shape, but are soft and buttery. When John ate one for the first time, he muttered something along the lines of, "oh my God - these are delicious," which was music to my ears, because I normally have to purple-nurple him into complimenting my culinary genius. This is how you cut dough for dinner rolls.These homemade dinner rolls are so buttery.

Simple Homemade Dinner Rolls

[yumprint-recipe id='20']P.S. When you read the bit about mushrooming and pinching the dough - this is what that looks like: Buttery homemade dinner rolls are great for every meal. I do feel the need to apologise. You're never going to fit into your jeans again. But hey - you probably have some fantastic will power. I envy you.At any rate - these dinner rolls pair fantastically with practically every meal. I really enjoy them with soup. We're entertaining in a couple of weeks and I know I'll be whipping up a batch before the crew gets here!


This homemade dinner roll recipe is so simple and easy!


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