10 Gardening Tips All Beginners Need to Know

Being a beginner at anything can be daunting, but gardening can seem like a cruel joke to the beginner. Even though I'm growing my first plants at our new home this season, I'm no stranger to gardening. That's a perk of growing up in a farming family, I suppose. Even if you don't have the space outside to start gardening then don't worry there are some easy hacks that you could use to do your gardening inside. Despite having been brought up with gardening in my life, I've learned a lot so far and I'm excited to share with you 10 gardening tips all beginners need to know - a roundup of the best gardening advice for beginners I've come across! 

Container Gardening Tips

Although I grew up on a farm with lots of different plants and gardens, I admit that I am brand new to container gardening. Having an in-ground garden just isn't feasible with the space we have, so I'm thankful for posts like Container Gardening 101! Everything from what containers to choose to the soil you should use is covered in this great article. Container gardening couldn't be easier with these tips for beginners.There is one problem with a lot of container gardens though - they tend to dry out faster than in-ground gardens. Especially for those of us in very dry climates, it's important to remember to WATER your plants! Using self-watering pots is a fantastic way to help prevent dry out. Unfortunately, self watering containers can be very expensive and hard to find. This DIY self-watering planter tutorial is a frugal way to make one at home! Self watering planters can be so expensive. This DIY self watering planter is perfect for container gardens. If you're wondering what all you need to even START container gardening, let this be your guideAll the tools you need to start container gardening!

Appealing to Pollinators

We've all seen campaigns about "saving the bees" and if you're a beginner you may have wondered why gardeners tend to care about them so much. In a nutshell, without bees (and other pollinators), there'd be no harvest. It's important to take care of pollinators! Adding a butterfly garden is a fantastic way to create an environment for pollinators. Create an environment for those pollinators and plant a butterfly garden! If you're short on space (like me) you may feel like you don't have a ton of space for the pretty flowers that tend to bring in the pollinators, but you can easily add a few to your patio! Be it for pollinators, or just for a splash of color, here are some hacks to grow an easy gorgeous patio gardenHacks for a simple patio garden!

Cheap Gardening Hacks

Like starting any new venture, being a beginner gardener can add up quickly. If you're wanting to garden frugally, there's still hope! Like, instead of investing in those expensive seed starter kits, you can try this easy method of starting seeds in egg cartonsCheap gardening tips! Here are 7 more great hacks for cheap gardeningCheap gardening hacks!

Garden Produce Tips and Tricks

If you're a new vegetable gardener, you may not even know where to start. There are so many directions you can go, so many varieties to choose from. This easy fruit and vegetable guide is where you'll want to start. Grow these fruits and veggies if you're a beginner!

How to Nourish Your Garden

Gardens need a little TLC and nourishment on your end, too. They give a lot, but they need some in return, as well. If I would have known these 5 tips for nurturing my garden, I would have saved myself a lot of headaches. Be nice to your garden and nurture it as well!And along the lines of nurturing... compost is the lifeblood of a healthy garden. Here's how to start compostingEasy way to start composting for beginners

I hope you find all of these gardening tips beneficial - I know I have. Aren't we lucky to live in a time with so much knowledge readily available to us with the click of a button? Gardening has become one of my favorite parts of life and I'm so thankful for others who share what they know. One of the ladies who has shared a great deal is Alexis from Chemistry Cachet. Her enormous knowledge of chemistry has lead her to create a chemistry hacks book (with gardening tips!). I was lucky enough to get my hands on the book and the solutions within it have become the standard around my house when it comes to cleaning and gardening.We've teamed up for a giveaway in honor of  her "blogiversary" and you can win your own copy of her book, a $50 Amazon giftcard, and some other goodies! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Beginner gardening hacks to make growing produce easier!


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