Chocolate Chip Cookie Secret Ingredients

When I was a girl, nothing cheered me up more than a fresh chocolate chip cookie. My granny would frequently send me home with a baggie full. Chocolate chip cookies were my favorite. Old habits die hard, and y'all, a good chocolate chip cookie is still one of my favorite treats. For years I've toyed around with subtly different ingredients and I think I've finally cracked the code.See, I'm a tinker-er. I like to tweak recipes and compare them. Recently, I came across this soft and chewy cookie recipe and I knew I had to try it out, naturally. I thought it was interesting that some of the butter was substituted with cream cheese. Cream cheese?! Uh, yeah. Of course I had to try it. So I made the cookies just as suggested, and they truly were heavenly. But I just couldn't stop there. I had to make these my own... 


Chocolate chip cookies may seem standard... but there's one ingredient that you'd NEVER guess that makes these chocolate chip cookies absolutely magnetic! I've read that browned butter can really take chocolate chip cookies to the next level, but I had never personally browned butter before, so I googled and read a handy post about how to get the perfect browned butter and I went along my merry way. That was the first change I decided to make with the cookies. The second change came about because I'm a firm believer that things are better with cinnamon. There. I said it. Everything is better with cinnamon. Here's my tweaked recipe: [yumprint-recipe id='13']Let me tell you. Browned butter really does make a huge difference in the flavor of things. It's nutty and rich and it totally makes these cookies oh-so-delectable. And the cinnamon? Be still my heart.Not all chocolate chip cookies are created equal. Who will reign supreme in the chocolate chip cookie battle? Who's cookie is best?What is your favorite ingredient that adds pizzaz? 


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