Save Money by Skipping Your Morning Latte | Save $3K This Year


The holidays can be stressful financially. I totally get it. In January of a few years ago, my husband and I started a simple cash savings plan which allowed us to increase our emergency fund, buy Christmas gifts for each other and our families and go on a vacation without any stress on our bank account. Save money this year using a super simple method, with cash you won't even miss. Skip your morning latte, or don't buy that bag of gummy worms in the checkout aisle. These super simple decisions will mean HUGE end of year cash for savings. It's possible to save thousands with one simple money saving method! Save money this year and breathe easier.

Skip Lattes, Save Money

That year we saved $2,756 (ok... so not exactly $3K, but close enough). The amazing thing is that because we saved in relatively small amounts at a time, we didn't feel like we were missing any money, and we spent less on impulse purchases - like coffee from Starbucks. In addition to this, we also put our typical amount of money in our savings accounts. This plan absolutely helped us come up with "extra" cash that we would have needlessly spent on silly things like convenient store cokes.Save Money Tweet

The savings plan is simple:

There are 52 weeks in a year. Each week, you put money corresponding to the week in the savings account. If it's week 45 in the year, you put $45 in savings that week.As a twist, and to challenge ourselves to save more, we doubled the amount and we saved almost $3K the year we used this method. It was a challenge at times, but we made it priority and it was nice knowing the money was there if we needed it for emergencies.To make it easier on ourselves, we only put money in once a month and we crossed the weeks off as we could. For example, if we had an influx of cash one month, we may cross off week 52, 51, 50, and 49 in a month instead of whatever "week" we were on. As long as at the end of the year all "weeks" are marked off, you're good. Doing it this way helped because some months we were tighter on expendable money.The easiest way to save $3k in a year. Skip your latte, save money.

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