Must See Stops Along The Road To Hana

Last year, we honeymooned on the beautiful island of Maui. The island is full of great views, amazing food, and there's no shortage of adventure! On our second day on the island, we set out bright and early (4 am!) to travel the spectacular Road to Hana. It's treacherous, but the views along the highway make every mile worth it.To do the full circle, it's only 90 miles... but those 90 miles are over extreme winding roads. Most of the "highway" is set on cliffs and is only wide enough for 1 car at a time. Just from Paia to Hana there are 59 bridges along the road (mostly near blind curves), and 46 of those are one lane. Honking around corners is a must. From Paia to Hana there are 620 curves... but if you choose to do the entire highway, as we did, you'll encounter so much more than 59 bridges and 620 curves.You HAVE to make these 3 stops when traveling the Road To Hana!

This post was sponsored by Pride of Maui. All thoughts are my own.

The trip may not sound worth it, but let me assure you that it is. If you don't feel like you can drive it, there are other options. Navigating the turns, crossing single lane bridges and passing high cliffs can send anyone into an anxious fit, but there are guided tours that will allow you to see the sights in all their glory. In hind sight, a Road to Hana tour is something we should have done. They'll pick you up right from your hotel, and everyone can enjoy the views... no bickering over the steering wheel involved. 
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If you decide the Road to Hana just isn't your thing, that's ok, but you'll be missing out on:

Waianapanapa State Park

Also known as Maui's black sand beach, Waianapanapa is home to gorgeous lava tube formations, swimming holes, black sand, and ancient folklore.Waianapanapa (aka: black sand beach) is a Maui must-see![the_ad_placement id="insert"] 

Pipiwai Trail - Haleakala National Park

Nestled in Haleakala National Park is Pipiwai Trail. At the end of a 2 mile hike up the volcano, through streams and over rocks, is the most spectacular treat--a 400 foot waterfall--Waimoku Falls. If the waterfall is not enough to make you want to sweat it out in the Hawaiian humidity, there's plenty to see on the hike! Hike through bamboo forests, overlook steep cliffs, and take a rest at the giant banyan tree.At the end of pipiwai trail is a 400 foot waterfall --waimoku falls!But the third stop you HAVE to make and the treat at the end of the beautiful hike is absolutely Waimoku Falls. At 400 feet tall, this spectacular view will take your breath away... if it's not already gone from that hike!Waimoku falls is 400 ft tall and is found at the end of pipiwai trail at haleakala national park on MauiGiven the chance, I'd go back to Maui tomorrow, but I am so thankful for our time in Maui and the spectacular views we were able to experience. The road to Hana was absolutely the highlight of the trip for me. It opened my eyes to beauty that I just hadn't seen ever before. If you're taking a trip to Maui, be sure to set aside a day for this. You'll want to stop along the way and explore everything that the north east side of the island has to offer.Have you ever been to Maui? Traveled the Road to Hana? Want to? Tell me your thoughts. ...And it's now safe to say where we will be in July. We're traveling to MAUI AGAIN! I cannot wait!

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