Jaelan Mincey

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Sisters are similar but not the sameI have three big sisters.4 SistersI've always loved having sisters. Sisters understand. Sisters can talk you down off the ledge, or push you out of your comfort zone.A home with sisters is never short of shoes, chocolate, or laughs, as all of those are easily stolen, traded, or borrowed.I have been extremely blessed to have the most amazing three older sisters to look up to, learn from, and to pester.Sisters make life more colorful, and there's always an abundance of estrogen. A family with sisters is built on a few tears, a number of heartbreaks, and a lot of love and laughter.Sisters UnderstandThey made me an aunt!I have enjoyed watching their sons and daughters grow up. It's captivating to see pieces of each of them in their children.I love the snuggles and the high fives and the "Aunt Jello"s. One day, I know they will love my children like I love theirs, and that fills me with so much happiness.That is a role that only a sister can star in--aunt.Sisters are the bestHaving sisters means getting to utilize all of their best talents. For me, it means eating delicious food, attending amazing parties, having gorgeous photos, and always sporting impeccable hair and makeup for every special occasion. So many talents. So many sisters. The possibilities are endless.What I love most about sisters is having an extension of myself in different forms. I trust their judgments because they truly love me and want what's best. I know that I can pick up the phone and immediately have 3 different perspectives on any given topic, 4 counting my own.The love between sisters is unbreakable and unconditional.To my brilliant big sisters:Thank you. I'm so blessed to be your family, and I am proud to be your friend.Do you have sisters? What do you think about the sibling bond?