Summer-Proof Your Makeup Routine


Warm weather is here to stay for a while. There will be a lot of time spent outdoors and even more time sweating. Take a stand against the heat and humidity--summer-proof your makeup routine! Don't let sweat ruin your perfectly blended foundation. Believe it or not, your makeup can totally withstand the elements with just a few easy steps.I struggled to keep my makeup in place for years. I would walk outside and my foundation would become a puddle on the floor... that is, until I figured out that I could take a couple of extra steps and avoid the entire nasty mess. Hence, my summer-proof makeup routine was born. Summer-Proof your makeup routine with 4 simple steps

My Summer-Proof Makeup Routine

Step 1 | Moisturize

This step may seem rather moronic. Why would I moisturize my skin when moisture is my problem?? Well, my friends. The simple answer is this: By moisturizing your skin (day and night), you're training your skin to not produce extra oil. Extra oil is a summer time enemy. Of course, your skin is still going to produce some oils regardless, but you don't want to exacerbate the issue by not moisturizing. Don't forget to moisturize your under eye and eyelids, too!

Pro Tip:  Use a moisturizer with SPF in it. This will allow your moisturizer to double as sun protection!

Step 2 | Prime

This step is probably the most vital of all. Find a good makeup primer and use it after applying moisturizer. The primer will form yet another barrier between your skin's oil factory and your foundation. Oil is makeup's worst nightmare. It causes breakdown and patchiness. Many primers actually have oil fighters in them, which is extra help.Use a primer for those eyelids, too! Eyelids can produce a ridiculous amount of oil. Using an eye primer can help make your eye makeup last. Eye primers don't have to be expensive. Try the $2 e.l.f shadow lock primer!

Pro Tip: Using primer will help any foundation become longer-wearing!

Step 3 | Powder

As a girl with dry skin, this step was the most difficult for me to start. Why on Earth would I powder my skin when it's already dry?A thin layer of powder over your foundation will really help staying power. The powder will also help absorb those pesky oil bits that seep through your moisturizer and primer barriers. Although it goes against everything we dry-skin-having-girls have ever known, trust me... use powder over your foundation. You can use a translucent powder to insure that you don't alter the color of your foundation.If your powder is already a foundation, feel free to skip this step.

Pro Tip: Apply a small amount of powder with a thin bristle brush to avoid foundation caking.

Step 4 | Spray

Oh, the setting spray. How I love thee, makeup setting spray. This has been my favorite summer-proof makeup step of all. To be quite frank with you, it's because it just feels good to apply. Once your makeup is all finished, you've moisturized, primed, applied, and powdered... spray your face generously with a setting spray. Allow it to dry and you're ready for the summer heat!Using a setting spray is also a way to add a bit of dewiness back to your look, if you're not a fan of the complete matte foundation look. There are dozens of different setting sprays that cater to different skin types: dry skin, oil skin, combo skin.

Pro Tip: Purchase a setting spray for your individual skin type to avoid dryness or too much shine.

My friends and family often question this regimen for summer-proof makeup. They worry that there are too many steps or that the finished product will appear "cakey". Let me just put all of those worries to rest. Your makeup will not be "cakey" from these tips unless the foundation you apply makes your skin appear "cakey". Choose the right foundation and you will be in the clear!

How do you summer-proof your makeup? Have any other tips I should know about?This post contains affiliate links.


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